Nowroozkhanan of northern Iran: inheritors of a new year tradition

In the middle of Esfand (beginning March) groups of singers go to villages in the north and sound the joyful songs of Nowrooz in the ears of the people, thus announcing the arrival of spring and new year and wishing everyone a good and blessed year. Those singers are called “New Year singers.” Nowroozkhanan is one of the ancient traditions of Iran, which also has ancient roots in the north of our country.
Nowroozkhani (new year singing) is also called “spring singing”, because those songs describe spring and the beauties of Nowrooz, along with the songs that the Nowroozkhanan sing and play the traditional instruments and call the people to rejoice and dance. This tradition has its roots everywhere of Iran but is more consistent and customary in the country’s northern provinces.

Nowroozkhani is derived from the ancient music and songs of Iran, and is a way of praising Ahura Mazda, describing spring, refreshing the body and soul, and honoring the heroes of our land. The singing is done by those who have a good voice and who do it free. However, the people who come to listen to them show their gratitude by giving them gifts.
Nowroozkhani is sometimes performed by one person but mostly by a group, by reciting poems and hymns. These hymns are sung in native language of that region, but their meaning is the same.
The songs are made of different parts: first; God is praised, then the heroes of our land are praised, then the spring and Nowrooz is praised, and at the end the people gift the singers with clothes and cash. Sometimes, if the singers do not find the gift quite worth, they will start reciting poems full of sarcasm and complaint.
In Mazandaran, Gilan and Golestan, especially in Deylaman, Talesh and Eshkvar, Nowroozkhani is still celebrated with pomp and lots of joy. In the Armut and Ardakan villages of Taleghan Valley, in Alborz province you can also find the names of the Nowrooz singers. These singers walk through the streets and alleys and sing in the local dialect, and wear a cloak called qaba”, and hand-made shoes (giveh) which are also white, giving the happy tidings of the new year. A cane can be seen in their hands, which they turn around their heads while singing the verses and hymns. These hymns have come from ancient times and remembered from generation to generation. Nowroozkhanan are anonymous singers, and their songs are simple and easy to remember. They are not professional musicians, the villagers like simple and traditional songs. Nowroozkhani is, in fact, simple vocal music, where many of the verses are repeated.

For people, the arrival of Nowrooz singers is a sign of a good omen. Sometimes they will take a date or a candy from their hands, add it to their haftseen table, ad consider it as something good and blessed.
Nowrooz singers from Mazandaran start their singing tradition from the second or 3rd week of Esfand and continue till the first day of Nowrooz.
This auspicious tradition of Nowrooz singing in Golestan province was registered in Iran’s intangible heritage list, in 1396 (2017).

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