People love their grandfather

I have hidden my thirst for dialogue, and political and social challenges in my hearth for several years. I have imprisoned in my heart my attachments. I am doing my own work and trying not to hear news – which, unfortunately is increasingly negative – so that I become less nervous, though taking distance itself challenges my nerves. I was struggling with myself to find an answer as to why I did not participate in the Association’s general assembly. I was in trial with myself. I asked myself “What is the use of you being in that meeting?” The answer I got was “If everyone would think like you there would be no gathering left nor an association!  This conflict with myself continued for days.

I was restless.  I went to read the news and saw that it was so long that I didn’t feel like reading it and getting involved.  I read a report of Babak Shahriyari. That even was not concise, and very vague! I don’t know what they are afraid of. Maybe I am misunderstood, and I don’t know. Mr. Shahriari’s writing had one good thing: it forced me to go and read the news of the assembly. Oh, what a commotion! Until a few years ago, my head was hurting for such things!

Such meetings, even hotter and more commotional, are not rare in the 100 year’s history of Tehran Zoroastrian Association. If you go through the newsletters of those days, you will find them full of controversial, pleasant or unpleasant news, from both public and private meetings of the Association. For example, look at the period of Hokht magazine in 1348 and the answers of Arbab Rostam Guiv to opponents. These are not new. One of the most critical periods of the association was the days after the 1957 revolution. I witnessed the challenges and difficulties of the association in those years.

Whatever happened is in the past now, and we are here now with a bright background and solid support. When I say “bright background” it is not just a compliment; indeed, I mean it. Unfortunately, none of the Association’s members, from the 50s, are alive, to sit with them and listen to their stories of sacrifices they made for the Association’s progress. Farhang Mehr, Mahiar Ardeshiri, engineer Rostam Parki, engineer Bahman Jamshidi and… Me and a group of students in the Zoroastrian Youth Center, were dash against the Association. Late Engineer Parki was one of the association members who listened to our words, encouraged us to write our points of view, and published those writings – albeit more balanced – in “Zoroastrian Magazine,” and we would calm down a little bit. I do not want to go into history, though it is sometimes necessary. This history has kept us going today, and we are happy that we have survived. Will this be the case in future? Do we have a future?  I hope we do.

Statistics show that unfortunately the slope of our graph is negative, especially the population graph, which is highly critical.

We should not worry or fear arguments and discussions in our meetings. This is a good sign. It is like a fever in diseases. He needs a fever reducer and pain reliever for a while, and of course, you should think about definitive treatment.

I want to write something other than selling land and construction and getting rich. I can’t even if I want to because it’s not my specialty. But I want to say that, for example, regarding the sale of the land in Ahrestan, that caused so much commotion, if the Association would print the history of this land, with details, in a booklet and make it available to the community, it would have been a good gesture. Why not let everyone know so that so much or negative comments and toxic rumors are not spread about it? If there any ambiguity or problems, it can be debated and written and the community will be satisfied. Unfortunately, the Association has closed all its doors for informing the community, in the last few rotations. I wonder why. I remember that in the first issues of “Amordad,” there was a page called “Chakachak,” whose job was to challenge and satirically criticize the association. It was a popular page. People like to touch and make fun of their grandfather, but on the other hand, they also love their grandfather very much.

May his soul rest in peace, Rostam Abadian would say that the Association’s responsibilities are no less than the Ministries. Surprisingly, in these past few years, the Association with such a dimension of responsibilities, does not have a news organ. All want to or can participate in the meetings, but they would like to be in the picture of their grandfather’s activities. The news of the association’s meetings was published from far away travels of the association people read it, and criticisms and opinions were said and written. Knowledge is the right of the people.

As far as I can remember, Hokht magazine, the Zoroastrian periodical, Association’s monthly reports, Farvahar magazine, the Zoroastrian Amordad, etc. would cover and publish the internal news of the Association. During the tenure of Dr Goharizadeh, the Association used to publish a newsletter in several pages and mail it to all Zoroastrians. The result was that during his presidency, the association received the most help.

The community had a news site. How well Mr. Pourrostami managed it, and it had gradually become popular. Now, why did you close all the doors? How do people know what you are doing? Think and put yourself in people’s shoes.

The gossip market is hot and all sorts of news leaks out, which shows that the people are thirsty for information. They want to see and understand what the association they voted for is doing. People are not strangers, and they have the right to know.

The only remaining communication channel is a Whatsapp channel created by the inspectors.  Is this an organ of the Association? Verbal conversations have no documentation. Question and answer sessions never fill the void of information and awareness. Tell people what is happening in the forum and what you are doing. Good things have been done that should be known to everyone. You have also had mistaken, which is quite natural. When the people know that is happening, they will come to your help.

All that happened in the association’s last meeting and surprised you and, according to you, is the Association’s failure in giving out regular news to the community. I call this historical event the “Ignorance Explosion.” In addition to the daily, weekly, and monthly statements, publishing a book at the end of each year or at least at the end of each assembly meeting is appropriate and necessary. Everything that happened in the forum, with descriptions, photos, and reports, should be published.

One of the negligence and weaknesses in the association’s administration is that the association needs to inform the people. You have in your office Mr Pourrostami, who is an expert in public relations and journalism. Ask him what will happen if all the information channels are closed.

به اشتراک گذاری

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