Our duty towards our national heritage

an introduction to forgotten handicrafts of Iran

It is not believed that there is a need to provide a reason for the value and importance of handicrafts (especially in Iran, which has always been a pioneer in producing handicrafts). Handicrafts are works of art created from a deep cultural heart and not only meet the daily needs of life but are also considered valuable works of art. Our land has always been proud to have such works. The Iranian descendants in our vast land, each based on their taste, art, and climate, have created handicrafts that have aroused the world’s praise. But now, our craft is in a state that we should be worried about. For a long time, experts have warned that Iran’s handicrafts are in danger of disappearing.

Handicrafts of any country are considered part of its identity and symbol. They are considered a link between the historical past and today. As recorded and ancient works are valuable and essential, handicrafts are also worthy of respect and protection. As much as historical and ancient works are valuable and important, handicrafts are also important and should be protected.

Fortunately, our country is so rich in beautiful handicrafts with its various origins and vast and diverse geography that they can be considered the best handicrafts in the world. It is a pity that our handicrafts do not receive the same importance and attention as they deserve. Sometimes they are so neglected that there is a fear of their oblivion. Our handicrafts, prepared with great pain and meticulousness, sometimes need help to compete with low-quality and low-priced foreign products that flow into the country. This competitive disparity not only causes our handicrafts to face devastating difficulties but also causes discouragement and disappointment for masters and artists who have learned handicrafts hand-to-hand from their fathers and forefathers and live with little income from this way. They are selflessly trying to keep Iran’s handicrafts alive, but what is their strength against the flood of foreign goods imports? And do they have government support as they should?

Warnings and concerns

Those who are following up about the situation of Iran’s handicrafts have been warning for years that there should be a correct, measured, and supportive policy for the handicrafts and artists of this industry to reduce the fear of their disappearance. There are many such warnings; for example, “Hamshahri Online” news agency reflected some of those concerns in a report titled “Danger of Extinction of 10 Handicrafts of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari” (3 Mehr 1400). In the report of this news agency, it is mentioned that 10 of the 52 fields of handicrafts in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province have been completely forgotten, and the artists are yet to be supported.  These handicrafts include locksmith industry, canvas weaving, purse weaving, basket weaving and basket weaving techniques, black tent weaving.

In its report, the ISNA news agency, under the title “Handicrafts facing danger of oblivion” reported concerns about the destruction of some handicrafts in West Azerbaijan province. According to this news agency, handicrafts, “small work, carving, felting, traditional textile, traditional instrument making, oven making, and knife making are at risk of being forgotten.” This is while experts believe that just a little attention and interest towards Iranian handicrafts will save them from the danger of destruction and oblivion.  As quoted from one of the experts: “Creating employment for one person in the petrochemical industry requires an investment of six billion tomans, while in handicrafts, employment can be created for one person with one-thousandth of this figure” (Vista news agency – 26 Azar 1402 – a report titled: “Iranian handicrafts in the abyss of oblivion”).

On the other hand, due to the abnormal situation that Iran’s handicrafts are facing, there is much concern that the masters of these arts will migrate from Iran. This warning has been repeated for several years and has been ignored. “Iran” newspaper, in a report titled “Danger alarm of handicraft masters” (Esfand 8, 1399), quoting the head of Isfahan’s Handicrafts Union, warned of such a danger.

Barriers and difficulties

So, what causes Iranian handicrafts to have such an unpleasant situation? Enumerating all the obstacles and difficulties will take time; let’s mention only a few examples:

The barriers to exporting handicrafts abroad (primarily due to economic sanctions) make trade with other countries and the sale of Iran’s handicrafts difficult.

In “advertising” work, we are not in sync with foreign examples. Therefore, lack of advertisement and proper introduction are such that many of us do not know anything about Iranian handicrafts and their value and beauty, and we need to know what apparent advantages they have in comparison with foreign products. It is possible to open the way for more recognition and, as a result, more sales of Iranian handicrafts by using the virtual space, well-considered advertising in mass media, and holding exhibitions with quality and global standards.

Applying new methods in online markets is another solution that can break the barrier of low sale of Iranian handicrafts and provide basis for mass production and less need for foreign products.

The forgotten handicrafts of Iran

The series of articles that will be published on Amordad’s website under “Learning from Iranian Handicrafts” refers to some industries that we have either forgotten or are on the verge of destruction and loss. Although some work has been done to revive handicrafts, without a doubt, more efforts should be made with public and national will so that Iran’s handicrafts can flourish again and be a part of our national identity and help the country’s economy. It is difficult to count all the handicrafts of Iran that are on the verge of extinction, due to the abundance of handicrafts in different parts of Iran. So, articles under “Iranian forgotten handicrafts” are a handful of examples and a small reminder and nudge.

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